Actually she’s a horse but that’s her nickname.
I’ve been fighting off a sore throat and not really wanting to get out in public with all this craziness going on with the Coronavirus. People are panicking and wiping the shelves bare of cleaning products and of all things toilet paper. Speaking of which I’m down to 5 rolls in the house so I’m going to have to venture out soon!
Anyways there was a local jackpot last night and my daughter was going and insisted on putting my mare on the trailer. All the way there I keep trying to talk her into running my horse and I wouldn’t have to. She wasn’t having it. So I entered against my will and was super happy that she talked me into it. We won the 4D !! So the cash cow struck again, she’s usually good for a trip to the pay window whenever she makes a run.
Here’s a video of our run last night. We aren’t the fastest, we never will be, but we are having a great time doing what we both love!