We are on our annual trek to the Smokey mountains. We left Christmas day and headed to our cabin in Nc. Spent Thursday driving to new areas. Friday we went to Gatlinburg, Tn, did some shopping, people watching, and ate at one of our fav places....Dicks last resort. You have to be a special kind of person to enjoy that place....it's right up our alley! More adventures to follow!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Getting Scrappy
I am in heaven over here, loving project life! I've got my album for my weekly 2014 memories. Since I've been chomping at the bit to get started, I've appeased myself by making a holiday album! I love how easy it is, it's a no brainer for me. But then I can get really creative and do some cool stuff too. I haven't completed the album yet, obviously since we have the macdaddy of holidays barreling down on us. I love that I can get it organized how I want then go back and embellish it with cool stuff. Tomorrow I'm reorganizing my craft room. While in there I'm gonna dig out my old scrapbooking stuff and see what all can work with this. Can't wait to go back and do the kids baby books etc!! Here are a couple pages from thanksgiving. I've also started on my first page for next year!!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I'm also thankful for
Speaking of her cookbooks, I just purchased her latest, A Year Of Holidays. Oh my jeeze, I am in heaven. These recipes rock! I'm using two of them with our Thanksgiving meal. Maybe if I remember I will post some pics!
I hope I haven't broken any rules by having her name and pics in this post. I'm not using them for anything else except to say she is awesome, all the credit is hers!! I don't know how to link back to others blogs, but you can find her at ThePioneerWoman.com. If you get a chance go see her there! Below is a photo of her latest jewel, ya gotta get it!! No I'm not getting anything for saying any of this...she doesn't even know I exist, and I'm not stalking her either...promise!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Paradise Found, Project Life Style
Holy moly, I've died and gone to heaven! I have discovered Project Life by Becky Higgins. I am chomping at the bit to get started, but I want to do a complete year...c'mon Jan 1, 2014!!! I want to do this so badly that I'm going to do a mini album for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I'm either so excited to do this, or so boring/pitiful, that on a Saturday night I'm at home creating files for each week of next year. I've got them all ready and labeled by the week, just waiting for me to add pics and memories as they happen!
I've scrapbooked rather inconsistently over the years and have boxes and discs full of pics of my children and events over the years. How I wish I had known about Project Life before now, I feel like I have been deprived. Lol. I'd better get going I have a lot to catch up on!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Thankful project
Today I am Thankful for the internet, it sure makes things easier!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Fox in the henhouse
Well not yet, but close enough. A fox has been picking my chics off one by one. Even my two roosters! My chix get to free range during the day, all day. Then at night they go back into their coop. They are some of the happiest chickens I know! Until recently when I started keeping them cooped up for their own safety. A sly ole fox has been dining on my egg makers. Everyday I would come home and another would be gone. I actually caught it in the act of running off with one, so there I went chasing a fox down the road with my pistol. No luck it dove off into the brush before I could get to it.
My next step is a trap, although I have heard many haven't had much luck with this method either. Will the fox move on if the drive-thru is closed for awhile? I hate having to keep the girls locked up for the rest of their lives.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Homemade or Hassle-free
What about you? Do y'all make anything? What is your favorite?
I know many people think its silly to make things when you can go to the store and just pick it up. For me personally, I like the feeling of being able to make things I need. I also like being able to go to my garden and get things from it...grow garden grow!!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Boys will be boys
Monday, August 19, 2013
Lil bump
In the road again. I had surgery on Friday. Trying to take it easy and relax. The kids are back in school so it's quiet and restful during the day. Gotta get well quickly, I've got cleaning products to try out, the Orange one I made. I've got dish soap cubes to make, and a garden that is screaming for attention.
I apologize for any typos. Meds and blogging might not always be a good combo, plus posting from my phone who has an auto correct with its own mind!!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
They say
The kids started back to school today, off they went a 7th and 8th grader, both a lil nervous. You see, they both had to start a new school today. The middle school they were supposed to go to closed down, and the high school has become a jr/sr high school. Interesting to say the least. I cannot wait to hear how their first day was. Annndddd, believe it or not, I really do miss them. I spent a lot of time with them this summer doing the family thing when we could, and at work, yes I was lucky enough to be able to bring them with me. Some days I was lucky enough to leave them elsewhere! Funny how that works. But I do miss them, they make me laugh, and smile, and grit my teeth while threatening them!
But, time flies, and I will be home soon ready to greet them and hear all about their day!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Health kick
So with my recent health issues, I am in the middle of a lifestyle change. Healthier eating/cooking for my kids and me.
I've seen tons of pins on pinterest and recipes in mags for Kale chips. After some olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic and a warm toasty oven along with a 25 minute wait.....they were pretty good. Next time I might pull them out after 20 sweeps of the minute hand. My son who typically runs from green things actually liked them! I about fainted!!
Can't wait to see what other goodies we can try.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Going green
Errr, orange is what I meant. I've been making my own cleaners, laundry detergent, dish soap etc.
I've decided to kick up my cleaner a notch and make the orange peel cleaner that I've been reading about on Facebook and pintrest. I've got it made and now it's curing/steeping in the pantry. I will keep you updated .
Thursday, July 18, 2013
blah, blah, blah
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th
Can't wait to see all the fireworks and set off our own as well!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Good ol summertime
Here are a couple of pics of my daughter getting the tank clean and ready!!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Ladybug, ladybug
I am going completely organic with my garden, so instead of bug sprays even those that are supposed to be organic, I've chosen to fight the bugs, aphids, etc with the pretty little lady bugs. I'm waiting for the sun to go down, then water my veggies, and turn the girls loose!! ( I guess they are girls!?!?) Hope they are hungry!!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
What I've missed
Also big important day for my baby, she is 12 today. Holy cow, time has gone by so fast! I love my kiddos so much it hurts and only want the best for them! Happy Birthday Brooke!!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Bump in the road
Monday, May 20, 2013
I call Fowl!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
To eat or not?
Now I know why they are limping, arthritis is very common, due to fast growth and big bodies!
Normally these birds have met their demise by 8-10 weeks. Mine however are still cruising around free ranging and enjoying life. With that being said, they still don't have long life expectancy, maybe a year if I'm lucky. So the big question, do I let them just keep doing their thing, or do I take them to a processor and put them on the dinner table. My heart says let them go naturally since I don't know how long or short it will be. But the brain says, that meat will be really good, hormone free, and there will be a lot of it.
So my question to you is, do you eat the birds you've raised or just use them for eggs?
Monday, May 13, 2013
What the Duck??
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mamma's Day
Wait, what's that? Oh the alarm clock, and like that my dream is over! Happy Mother's Day!! Just a regular ole day around here, animals and kids to feed, grass to be mowed, and a garden to play with! Might even rearrange some furnishings around here too!!
I did however catch breakfast with my mom, dad, and two of my kiddos. So that was a nice start to my day. Lots to do, so I better get to it, and tonight is Survivor finale!! Perfect way to end the day with my favorite show, maybe I should try out before I get too old!
PS. I got some new additions, pics coming soon, stay tuned!!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Sundays are for relaxing
So what does a country girl do? She gets more critters, that will for sure keep her busy! And that's what I did, got 6 new chicks to add to my flock! The are americanas, hopefully we will get some colored eggs, they are supposed to lay pastel colored eggs! Stay tuned for that, should have the first egg in about 5 months.
Here's a picture of some of them.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
All is quiet
With the weekend bearing down on us and no plans besides work, I hope to mow this place and play in my garden!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
April showers
I finally got my crates for the raised beds for my garden. I went yesterday and purchased some goodies. I got some corn, peppers, beans, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe and strawberries. I bought a load of potting soil, but it wasn't enough for all of my crates. However, I did get 2 of them filled and planted. Have to run into town and buy some bags of soil for the last remaining one. I will wait til later because a nice little rainstorm is coming thru right now. Hopefully my tender little plants will survive!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
We survived Spring Break
I'm glad to be back to work sans children! I have no idea what I'm going to pull off for them over the summer. I better get my thinkin' cap on!
I will leave you with a snapshot of a peaceful moment from last week.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Finally Friday!
We've got a lot going on, baseball tournament in Apopka...love baseball but this means early, early mornings on the road. Plus I am trying to get my raised beds up and going, house chores/maintenance that needs to be done!!
And....it's the start of Spring Break 'round here, so I'm scrambling to find something for the kiddos to do. I'm hoping to find a surf camp for them, they've been asking for the past couple of summers, so I'm thinking a full day/week at the beach should suffice in wearing them out!!
I want a Spring Break from work!! C'mon vacation.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Playing in the dirt
So now you know what I will be into this week!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Crossdressing chicks?
Today the kids and I are outside each of us doing our own thing, and I hear it again, only this time it's a bit more of a distinct sound. I look around, squinting of course because that always helps me hear better! And guess what, I hear it again, and yes it's coming from my property, not the neighbors across the canal as I had hoped.
It's official my friends we have at least one rooster in our flock. All along I just thought she was a big boned girl, boy was I wrong! Now I have to decide if we are going to keep him, or if I can sneak him over to my friend Brenda's farm and leave him there as a little gift!!
Hey, that's what friends are for!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Rain finally!
I also found an organic weed killer recipe I can't wait to try. I have some tough weeds I'm tired of dealing with, but cannot use chemicals because my chicks have free run of the yard! However, that will have to wait until I'm feeling better, trying to fight off this crud that has snuck up on me.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Okay, okay...
We've been cruising right along, loving our little country lifestyle! The hens are very happy, we have 9 now, only 1 laying but the others should start earning their keep in a week or so!
Some weird changes are going on with our local school system, they are axing our middle school, and turning the high school into 7-12th grades..yikes! To say the least I was a lil worried about my 6th grader heading straight to highschool, but they did calm my fears at the meeting when they said they would be separated, and the 7th and 8th graders would have their own buildings! My soon to be 8th grader is super duper excited, he can't wait to try out for the football and baseball team! My 7th grader is trying out for cheerleading, volleyball and softball! Sounds like a busy year for me!!
Love those kids, and love that they keep me so busy...what else would I be doing anyways??
Here is a pic of the girls!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Didn't forget
See ya in the morning!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
What's that smell?
Day 5 ~ something you smelled!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Hope ~ day 4
So I will leave you with this...
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Day 3...E
Here is my E...egglayers!!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Day 2 pic challenge
Today's item is a Pattern, perfect, I snapped a pic of one of my favorite warm me up blankets! I wish I could say I made it, that's not the case, crocheting is not my craft at all, I cannot get my hands to cooperate....however it appears that run on sentences are my specialty today!!!
So here it is.
See ya tomorrow

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Location:A dirt rd in Cocoa, Fl
Friday, February 1, 2013
Feb photo challenge
Day 1~Fork
I know, boooring, but hey it's a start!
Let's see what tomorow brings,
till then...ta ta
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The New Year
We had a nice little party, 60-75 people, mostly older folks, some great food, a dj (that was an awesome surprise) playin' some great country tunes, fantastic friends and family. It was a great time, one that will be cherished and remembered for hopefully the rest of my life!!
As of today, the kids have returned to school, I have returned to work, and life as we once knew it has hopefully returned...it sure seems so, starting tomorrow we will be back on the road a couple times a week to Kissimmee for travel baseball ( I hate to say it, but I've enjoyed this nice little break)!!
Over the Holidays we did manage to get in our annual trek to North Carolina, and Tennessee. In the hunt for snow, we hit Maggie Valley, Cherokee, and Gatlinburg. Awesome memories!!
Oh yeah, resolutions....I've made plenty in my head, and to myself, I would love to say I'm gonna keep them all, but the main one is to try to post here weekly at least, hopefully more..Im really trying to have an exciting life that ya'll want to read about!