Friday, March 22, 2013

Finally Friday!

Yay, finally Friday, not that it really means much to me, I'm still busy on the weekend, but it does make me happy!
We've got a lot going on, baseball tournament in baseball but this means early, early mornings on the road.  Plus I am trying to get my raised beds up and going, house chores/maintenance that needs to be done!!'s the start of Spring Break  'round here, so I'm scrambling to find something for the kiddos to do.  I'm hoping to find a surf camp for them, they've been asking for the past couple of summers, so I'm thinking a full day/week at the beach should suffice in wearing them out!!
I want a Spring Break from work!! C'mon vacation.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Playing in the dirt

Last year I started a small, okay, tiny garden of the raised bed type. Planted some tomatoes, strawberries (the squirrels loved these), and some broccoli. The tomatoes were the most productive! So since I was semi-successful with it, I think I'm going to aim for a few beds this year. I even bought a book for how to's and inspiration. Yes I'm a nerd I guess, I love to read, and I'm a visual learner, you can tell me all day long...I have to see it to get it!! I've got my list of things I need and of what I want to grow. Hopefully I can find everything so I can just plant it rather than start with seeds since I'm a few weeks late already!
So now you know what I will be into this week!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Crossdressing chicks?

So yesterday from my room I hear this strange gargling noise outside my window. I wander out there and the only thing I see are the chickens pecking around the camper carport...nothing unusual.
Today the kids and I are outside each of us doing our own thing, and I hear it again, only this time it's a bit more of a distinct sound. I look around, squinting of course because that always helps me hear better! And guess what, I hear it again, and yes it's coming from my property, not the neighbors across the canal as I had hoped.
It's official my friends we have at least one rooster in our flock. All along I just thought she was a big boned girl, boy was I wrong! Now I have to decide if we are going to keep him, or if I can sneak him over to my friend Brenda's farm and leave him there as a little gift!!
Hey, that's what friends are for!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rain finally!

I was so excited yesterday afternoon to see they ( the always correct weather forecasters) were calling for rain! So excited that I hustled up to the local garden department and bought some grass seed. Of course I didn't buy enough, but at least we got it spread. And sure enough it rained last night and up until early afternoon today!! Now I can sit here and wait for it to grow, then I can cuss it when it does, because then I have to mow!!
I also found an organic weed killer recipe I can't wait to try. I have some tough weeds I'm tired of dealing with, but cannot use chemicals because my chicks have free run of the yard! However, that will have to wait until I'm feeling better, trying to fight off this crud that has snuck up on me.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Okay, okay...

I get it, I didn't complete the monthly pic thingy...just not my thing I guess. I like to take pics of things I want to, not what someone else wants me to, but hey...I tried!
We've been cruising right along, loving our little country lifestyle!  The hens are very happy, we have 9 now, only 1 laying but the others should start earning their keep in a week or so! 
Some weird changes are going on with our local school system, they are axing our middle school, and turning the high school into 7-12th grades..yikes!  To say the least I was a lil worried about my 6th grader heading straight to highschool, but they did calm my fears at the meeting when they said they would be separated, and the 7th and 8th graders would have their own buildings!  My soon to be 8th grader is super duper excited, he can't wait to try out for the football and baseball team! My 7th grader is trying out for cheerleading, volleyball and softball!  Sounds like a busy year for me!!
Love those kids, and love that they keep me so busy...what else would I be doing anyways??

Here is a pic of the girls!