Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Good ol summertime

In Florida, and it's hot already. Stifling, muggy, and tons of humidity! We are trying to get the pool up, if you remember or look back on last summer posts, you can see the dreaded pool. My dad took it down for more last year since it wasn't level when set up ( we won't discuss that), and he and my oldest son are prepping and leveling the new spot where I originally wanted it. We live out in the sticks so we have well water. We will not be filling the pool with that crap again. So we are going to haul the water in! Thankfully I have an awesome kid with a hauling business. He has a huge water tank and big trailer to get the job done! Hopefully this weekend we will be in the water! Stay tuned
Here are a couple of pics of my daughter getting the tank clean and ready!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Ladybug, ladybug

Fly away home? Remember that poem? If I remember it correctly it was kindof morbid. Anyways, we aren't going to dwell on that, we are moving on to the buggy benefits.
I am going completely organic with my garden, so instead of bug sprays even those that are supposed to be organic, I've chosen to fight the bugs, aphids, etc with the pretty little lady bugs. I'm waiting for the sun to go down, then water my veggies, and turn the girls loose!! ( I guess they are girls!?!?) Hope they are hungry!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What I've missed

I was in the hospital a week ( I'm on the mend), doesn't seem like a long time, but many things were going on at home. My garden seemed to take off, or up depending on what veggie or fruit we are looking at. My chicks have grown so much, my ducklings are huge, and my mom brought us a beautiful new Cochin bantam rooster aka 'Cowboy'. I've got to fence off an area for the chicks and ducks to keep them away from the big girls and guys, but still allow them outside to forage around. Guess we all know what I will be trying to do this week! Hope my kids volunteer to help!!
Also big important day for my baby, she is 12 today. Holy cow, time has gone by so fast! I love my kiddos so much it hurts and only want the best for them! Happy Birthday Brooke!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bump in the road

Well, last Sunday May 26th, I decided to take the kids and a friend to Sea World. That didn't last long, barely in the gate I end up in the hospital in Orlando. Today is one week later, I'm still here...hoping to go home today. They keep telling me tomorrow, tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed that today is the tomorrow!!