Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer's a Comin' !!

Wow weeee, Summer is almost here, can you believe it??  I can't, seems like yesterday that my kiddos were just babies, now my oldest is grown, my middle has officially graduated 6th grade and heading to middle school, and my baby with be a big bad 6th grader..Holy Cow!!  Tomorrow is officially the last day of the school year, but mine are done today and we are sneaking out early..heading to the campground!!
Can't wait for some much needed peace and quiet, hope to be floating down the Itchneetucknee (sp) Springs River this time tomorrow, I think we may do the long run 3.5 hours..sounds like heaven doesn't it??
Then Saturday we have a baseball tournament to get to in the afternoon, and again Sunday, then a nice relaxing Memorial day on Monday!!  Sure sounds like a lot of running and doing things, but I guess that is the norm for us..I don't know how I would act if I had a whole long weekend to do nothing...probably would get cabin fever!!  Stay tuned for pics of our weekend....

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Holy smoke has it really been almost a month since I've posted??? Where the heck does time go? I wish I could bottle it and have some on reserve!
We have been neck deep in sports at our camp..Bryce with baseball for league and now his travel team is cranking back up, and little league all stars will be announced the middle of next month !! Brooke tried out and made a travel fast pitch softball team. Yes I must be crazy! School is out at the end of this month and both kids are wanting to learn to surf this summer. Why not?? We do live just minutes from the small wave capital Cocoa Beach, Fl.
We are leaving after school tomorrow and heading to the camper that we have parked at Otter Springs in N Fl If anything exciting happens I will blog about it. I hope to relax and maybe get in some time on the quilt I am making..wish me luck on both!
Ps. I apologize for any grammar and typos, I'm posting from my phone while sitting at.... You guessed it the ball field!!!!!