Thursday, April 25, 2013

All is quiet

On the home front. Not much has been going on, but yet I've been so busy! I am short handed at work, so that means more hours for me, including Saturdays. Yes, I said Saturdays...those who know me well know that usually on any given Saturday you will find my behind in a lawn chair, lap full of a scorebook, at the baseball field. However as of late, we are taking a little break. Andddd, I must say it is quite nice!!
With the weekend bearing down on us and no plans besides work, I hope to mow this place and play in my garden!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April showers

April showers hopefully bring lots of veggies and berries to our table!
I finally got my crates for the raised beds for my garden. I went yesterday and purchased some goodies. I got some corn, peppers, beans, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe and strawberries. I bought a load of potting soil, but it wasn't enough for all of my crates. However, I did get 2 of them filled and planted. Have to run into town and buy some bags of soil for the last remaining one. I will wait til later because a nice little rainstorm is coming thru right now. Hopefully my tender little plants will survive!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

We survived Spring Break

So right before Spring break my middle kiddo comes home with a new dog. Just what I needed, he's a sweet dog, just high energy. And of course the one who brought him home, promising to the moon and back that he will take care of him, walk him, feed him, and so on, is....mega low energy!! So between the new critter, beach days, kids spending the night at their friends, friends spending the night at our house, fishing, and a baseball tournament, we survived!!
I'm glad to be back to work sans children! I have no idea what I'm going to pull off for them over the summer. I better get my thinkin' cap on!
I will leave you with a snapshot of a peaceful moment from last week.