Thursday, March 26, 2020

What’s happening around here

As normal, I’m staying pretty busy. I’ve got a cup order for awards next month, so I’ve been trying some different colors! Having a blast and loving the variety.
Honestly it’s nice not having to go anywhere. I’m sure by next week I might change my mind!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Is this any different?

Everyone is freaking out about social distancing....this is the norm for me!  I’m so happy and blessed to live this life I’ve found myself in. Farm life keeps me busy daily!! Pastures need to be mowed and tended to, seed needs to be planted in the ones that aren’t being used right now. Our arena area needs to be prepped, our round pen needs to be put up. Oh there’s more, just started a small garden, planted some pretty flowers for some color on the porch. Trying to get more into homemade cleaners, face and body products, hair and soap products. And even some time to float in the pool with a good book when it’s too hot to do anything else outside, and it’s that time already heading into the 90s this week!
Here’s a pic of today’s goody...lavender bath salts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Times like these

This bird has been at my house since the day we moved in.  Seriously, has not missed a day!  I’ve never seen him or her (as we prefer to call it) at the bird feeder. She/he is always at my sliders, or kitchen windows. It has now been inside the house twice when the slider has been left open.
It’s gotten to the point that if I don’t see or hear it, I go looking for it. It’s always here whether at the house, hanging on the porch or out at the barn.
I’m taking it as a sign that it’s a message from my mom. It’s been 3 years this month that we lost her.
Thanks for checking on us mom! We love you!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

What’s happening

Here’s a little recap of our week in pics!

                                             Full moon rising

Making due

A few tumblers we did 

Saturday night lights!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Cash Cow

Actually she’s a horse but that’s her nickname.
I’ve been fighting off a sore throat and not really wanting to get out in public with all this craziness going on with the Coronavirus. People are panicking and wiping the shelves bare of cleaning products and of all things toilet paper. Speaking of which I’m down to 5 rolls in the house so I’m going to have to venture out soon!
Anyways there was a local jackpot last night and my daughter was going and insisted on putting my mare on the trailer. All the way there I keep trying to talk her into running my horse and I wouldn’t have to. She wasn’t having it. So I entered against my will and was super happy that she talked me into it. We won the 4D !! So the cash cow struck again, she’s usually good for a trip to the pay window whenever she makes a run.
Here’s a video of our run last night. We aren’t the fastest, we never will be, but we are having a great time doing what we both love!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Big things

So I actually forgot I had this page when the blog bug hit me again.
A lot has happened in our lives since the last post. The biggest would be that we have moved. Our new place is 10 acres of paradise. Larger barns, yes barns as in multiple. Land, pastures, pool and country living as far as you can see!
I have chickens again, I love fresh eggs!
My horses of course, working on our own practice pen!
I have a mini cow, looking for more, just love the minis!
My dogs, you know they are family.
And my very own tractor, I don’t have to borrow my dads!
I will keep you posted with our antics, some recipes I love, shirts and cups we make to help support our love of barrel racing and farm life!
Stay tuned