Friday, January 24, 2014

Green eggs

Our Ameraucana chic layed her first egg. A beautiful green one.  FINALLY!!
Feels like we have waited forever!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello 2014

Happy New Year!  Wow looking back 2013 was an eventful, busy, and quickly passing year.  It was much better than 11, or 12 for my family.  So with that being said, it only stands to reason that 2014 will be even better! 
I've made a few resolutions, hoping to be able to keep them longer than a few days.  Change is good right???? I am trying a couple new things, I'm trying Project Life in the weekly format, I know that can be stressful trying to keep up, but I'm gonna give it a shot. Also just read something this morning that has spoken volumes to me.  The grateful/thankful project, which kindof goes right along with PL.  You take a picture a day of something you are grateful or thankful for, then write a lil blurb about it and put in an album or scrapbook.  I love this idea, how great would it be when you are feeling a lil down, sad, etc. to look back thru your book and reflect, that has to do the heart good!
Well, I'm off to get my office organized since today is our first day back to work since Christmas Eve, and to get all my goodies organized for my new projects!